Tanning is a relaxing way to darken your skin, and it can help you look and feel your best.
While indoor tanning is very popular, there are some risks involved with it.
If you choose to ignore these risks and tan anyway, you might be tempted to take your phone into the tanning bed with you.
Always check the rules of the tanning facility where you do business to see if cell phones are permitted inside the bed or even inside the room where the bed is kept.
Cell phones and tanning beds are typically not a good mix, but it’s up to you if you decide to take the risk and take your phone into the tanning bed with you.
Can You Take A Phone In The Tanning Bed?
While there are no laws against taking a phone in a tanning bed, it’s not a good idea.
Not only will the tanning bed harm your phone, but your phone could distract you and put you at risk for improper tanning bed use and sunburn.
Some tanning facilities do have rules about using your cell phone in a tanning bed, and others feature beds that are Bluetooth capable, so you can connect your phone right to your tanning bed to make calls or listen to music from the attached speakers.
It comes down to a matter of preference, but before you do decide to take your cell phone in the tanning bed with you, you should be aware of the risks to your phone and your body.
Can A Tanning Bed Harm A Cell Phone?
Taking your cell phone in the tanning bed with you can cause problems with the phone.
Even if you don’t notice the problems at first, the more you use the phone in the tanning bed, the more likely you will be to experience problems.
The screens of many cell phones are very fragile and can be made up of various materials that can easily be damaged by UV rays or the heat and humidity that are present in a tanning bed.
It may not be noticeable at first, but the more the cell phone is exposed to the UV rays, heat, and humidity, the more it will break down, and eventually, the screen may start to malfunction, show signs of melting, or just become weak and break easily when you drop it or just use it.
All cell phones have batteries, and they don’t do well when they are exposed to extreme heat.
If you use your cell phone in the tanning bed, the battery could get so hot that it explodes.
This can be very dangerous and cause severe injuries.
Even if the battery does not get hot enough to explode, it could start to leak or just stop working and holding a charge.
Your cellphone case or the original casing that comes on the phone could be made up of plastic or rubber that may not hold up in extreme heat.
The tanning bed could cause the case to melt in some areas.
It could also cause humidity to get in between the case and the other parts of the phone and cause problems.
Cell phones are full of electrical components that don’t do well with heat or humidity.
When you are in a tanning bed, this can cause your cell phone to stop working.
You can also get sweat in or on the phone when you are using it in the tanning bed, which can cause it to short-circuit or have other issues.
Is It Dangerous To Use A Cell Phone In The Tanning Bed?
While the dangers of using a cell phone in a tanning bed may not be obvious, there are some serious risks involved with doing so.
If you are considering taking your cell phone in the tanning bed with you, keep these dangers in mind.
1. Harm Eyes
It’s hard to use your cell phone if you aren’t looking at it, and if you open your eyes in a tanning bed, you are risking serious damage.
UV rays are very harmful to your eyes, and even exposing them to the tanning bed bulbs for a few seconds can cause serious damage.
According to Philip R. Rizzuto, MD, an ophthalmologist and associate clinical professor of surgery at the Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island, “UV damage to the eyes may result in the development of cataracts as well as cancer of the uvea, which is the middle layer of tissue under the white of the eye.”
2. Lose Track Of Time
You should always limit the amount of time you spend in a tanning bed.
While some have timers, not all of them automatically turn off when the time is up.
If you are looking at your phone or on a call, you may lose track of time and stay in the tanning bed too long.
This could lead to sunburn, skin damage, dehydration, and overheating.
3. Sunburn
Anytime you get a sunburn, you put yourself at risk of developing skin cancer.
The more often you burn, the more severely you burn, and the higher your risk of developing melanoma.
Sunburns can also cause other problems with your skin.
This can cause age spots to develop and can lead to premature aging.
It also dries out the skin and leaves it flaky and open to infection.
Can You Keep Your Cell Phone In The Same Room As A Tanning Bed?
It is usually okay to take your cell phone in the same room as a tanning bed, as long as it is not in direct UV light and the room does not get too hot.
You should still try to keep your cell phone as far away from the actual tanning bed as possible.
Some tanning beds have Bluetooth capabilities and allow you to connect your phone directly to the bed.
You can then play music or even take calls while you are in the tanning bed without having to worry about having your phone in the tanning bed with you.
Why Do People Take Their Cell Phones In The Tanning Bed?
While it’s not a good idea to take your cell phone in the tanning bed with you, there are many reasons people choose to do so.
Many people use their phones as a way to tell time instead of wearing a watch.
Even if you wear a watch regularly, you won’t be able to wear one in the tanning bed unless you want to get tan lines from it.
Some people take their phones in so they can check the time regularly to ensure they are not tanning too long or to see how much time they have left before the tanning bed shuts off.
If you are worried there might be an emergency while you are in the tanning bed, or if you are expecting an important call, you may want to have your phone nearby so you can get it.
Even if you don’t plan to talk on the phone while you are in the tanning bed, you might just want it nearby so you can get out if it rings.
Some people also just like to talk on the phone while they are tanning to pass the time.
Not everyone finds tanning relaxing, and some people take their phones in the tanning bed with them so they can text, talk, surf the Internet, or play their favorite games.
Phones are one of the best ways to beat boredom, even if you are in a tanning bed.
You may decide to take your cell phone with you simply because you don’t want to leave it outside in your car or in a locker.
You may be worried that it could get stolen or that someone might accidentally pick it up, thinking it’s theirs.
Most people prefer to keep their personal items on them when going to the tanning bed.
Cell phones are often expensive, so it makes sense to want to keep yours with you at all times.
A lot of people enjoy texting regularly and may have a texting conversation going on all day.
Even though it may seem impractical to talk on the phone while you are in the tanning bed, texting may seem like a good way to pass the time and keep in touch with everyone close to you.
Many people download music on their phones or have apps on their phones that allow them to stream music or podcasts.
You may take your phone into the tanning bed with you just so you can listen to your favorite music while you relax and tan.
How Do Tanning Beds Affect Cell Phones?
If you take your cell phone in the tanning bed with you, there is a risk you could damage it.
Tanning beds can get very hot and cause problems with phones.
The heat and humidity can prevent a phone from working as it should.
Sometimes the effects are instant, and your phone will shut off and not turn back on.
It can also take some time for these effects to be noticeable, and you may not even relate the damage to your cell phone to the tanning bed.
1. Heat
Cell phones have many electronic parts that are very sensitive and can be damaged and disrupted by heat.
While the heat inside a tanning bed is considered safe for humans, it can still be too hot for cell phones.
Cell phone screens can become warped and even melt.
The edges of the screens and the screen protectors can feel up on the corners, and touch-screen devices may stop working as they should.
Different phones may be more resistant to heat, but it’s best to avoid taking your cellphone in a tanning bed where the room or bed could get hot enough to damage it.
2. Moisture
The humidity inside a tanning bed or even inside the room where the tanning bed is located can be severe.
This can cause electronics to become wet inside and outside.
Most people know that cell phones and water do not mix, and humidity can be especially hard on cell phones.
Sometimes the moisture caused by the humidity can dry up, and any issues with the phone can be resolved quickly.
If the phone is taken into a tanning bed or any other area with high humidity often, the problems can reoccur and may result in water damage.
This can void the warranty of many cell phones, and in many cases, they won’t be able to be repaired.
Humidity can prevent the speaker or microphone from working, cause problems with the battery ports on the phone, get in between the screen and the structure of the phone and cause spots to appear.
3. UV Rays
The UV Rays of a tanning bed can do many different things to cell phones.
If they are directed towards the screen of the phone, it could fry the touch-screen and make it so it can’t work.
UV rays can also penetrate deep inside a phone and cause problems with any of the mechanical parts inside.
A tanning bed is simply not the best place to take a cell phone because there is so much damage possible.
You may not even realize your cell phone is not working properly until days or weeks after it has been exposed to the rays of a tanning bed.
By this time, you will be wondering what happened to make it stop working as it should.
Is There A Way To Safely Use A Cellphone While Tanning?
Many people just don’t like the idea of being too far away from their phone, and whether it’s for security reasons or just personal preference, you may still decide to take your phone in the tanning bed with you.
If you must have it on you, be sure to practice some simple safety methods to protect you and your phone.
Keep your phone as far away from the tanning bed as possible and use Bluetooth to connect it to a small speaker or the bed itself if possible.
Many tanning beds are Bluetooth capable and will connect to your phone, so you can play music through the bed or even take calls.
Don’t let your phone distract you from the amount of time you are in the tanning bed.
Always set a timer, so you know you are not tanning too long and at risk for skin damage.
Wear tanning goggles if you will be looking at your phone.
Exposing your eyes to UV rays can be dangerous, even if it’s just for a short time.
Most tanning facilities offer the use of free tanning goggles, give them to you with your first session booking, or allow you to bring in your own tanning goggles to protect your eyes.